Whats App only 072 877 9804 info@sacbw.org
Membership: Full Membership (Monthly)

Terms & Conditions

I hereby authorize the South African Council for Business Women (SACBW) and/or its agents to collect the amount specified on the form via debit order from the account provided in my name at the indicated bank (or any other bank where the account may reside). The collection will occur on the selected date of each month. I agree that all withdrawals made by SACBW will be treated as if personally authorized and signed by me. I acknowledge that the collection of the authorized amount will be processed through the ABC Magnetic Tape System.

I further accept the following:

  1. This authorisation may only be cancelled or withdrawn with a 30-day notice served to the SACBW.
  2. I shall not hold the SACBW or any of its agents liable for any claim of any nature arising from the electronic debit or transfer or from any other cause following this authorisation, irrespective if such authorisation has been withdrawn or not.
  3. In the event that the relevant account has insufficient funds to clear the debit order, I am aware and hereby agree that all administration, bank and other costs resulting from the returned debit order will be for my own account. In such a case the member will be informed of the rejection and the debit order will be doubled for the next month with a R10 additional administration cost.
  4. I take the responsibility to ensure that sufficient funds will be in the account to clear the debit order or amounts as amended from time to time.
  5. I declare that the above information is true and that I am applying for membership with the SACBW and agrees to adhere the SACBW code of conduct and ethics.
  6. I will update my personal details when and if it changes, including my banking details.
  7. The SACBW will adhere to the POPIA Act 2013 to protect and respect our members.

Membership: Full Membership (Monthly)


Individual application for one member. Please complete online and submit.

Payment Agreement

Membership Includes:

  • Access to all features on SACBW member portal
  • Invite to networking events and connect with likeminded business women
  • Empowered with knowledge through articles by Thought Leaders
  • Part of business sisterhood where personal and professional guidance is provided
  • Regular communication on verified information for businesses
  • Eligible to participate in the annual SACBW Recognition Awards
  • SACBW membership certificate and SACBW proud member digital pin
  • Personal profiling of member and/or business on the Provincial Facebook
  • Benefits from collaboration with national associated or affiliated membership with other Organisations/Corporates
  • Newsletter
  • Opportunity to contribute to the resource library of the Council by submitting articles, offering services at special rates, hosting events as a sponsor, etc.


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